Why I Write

Why I write is not a complete title. The actual title should be something like, “Why I write and have this website.” But you can see that’s a little wordy. I’d like to break it down for you a little, give you some insight into my head. It’s a little dark and scary in there, but I’ll try to keep you on the fringes.


I write because it’s in my blood. Seriously. I grew up watching my mom write. My mom has a few thing published (more on that later), and she was always journaling. I have a distinct memory of being about five years old and taking a bath in the big bathtub in my mom’s bathroom. She was sitting next to me on a little green stool with a notebook in her lap. I was telling her a story, and she was writing it all down for me. Years later, I found that she wrote that in her journal. Someday I should get her to dig that old notebook up and let me have my story back.

I also write because it’s an outlet for me. I’ve had lots of life happen to me. There was a lot of good things but also a lot of bad things. I like to think there has been more good than bad, but the bad was really, really bad. Some of it was evil. I would write stories to explain my feelings or work through events. It was a kind of mental purge, I guess. The beautiful part of my mental purge is that it included the love and laughter, not just tears and fear.

I’ve literally been writing my entire life. I have notebooks filled with stories, notes, and ideas. In recent years, I decided to become serious about writing and make it my career as well as my passion. This is my why.


I wanted to have a way to allow people to get to know me as well as have updates on what I’m writing. I’m super hopeful to be famous someday, with a book turning into a movie and then a TV series. Isn’t that the ultimate dream of all serious writers? So click “follow” if you haven’t already. Thanks!

I have lots of things I’m excited about and love. These things inspire and help me to create my stories. My family, travel, essential oils and how they changed my life, and my spiritual journey are all things that influence my writing. I want to share all of this with the world. That will happen here, on this site. Have you clicked “follow” yet? It’s going to be an awesome voyage.


  1. I sometimes feel that being a writer is something that happens deep inside a person. It’s a voice telling stories and giving ideas, and sometimes it’s louder than others, and sometimes it just wants to be written and doesn’t care what or how good it is. Writing is awesome.
    Definitely gonna click follow though. I recently decided to start writing on wordpress and it’s really helping my creative flow.
    Keep up the good work!


    • I agree! My best friend is an artist and sometimes she can’t help but draw what she feels compelled to. I feel the same way about writing. Some days I sit down to write and what comes out is not what I had planned.

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