Allowing Spring to Carry Me

It’s been a while since I’ve made a blog post. Last summer, I was insanely focused on getting my book finished and published. That was a huge accomplishment! Since then, life has found a way to get in the way of my writing goals. Book 2 will be delayed, and that’s okay.

This last winter saw a host of family obligations and medical needs, so I basically disappeared from the rest of the world for a few months. Now, with the sunny weather starting to peek in, I feel like I can make plans again.

My good friend, E.G. Moore, and I are presenting another workshop for local writers. This time, it will be all about the publishing aspect of being an author. We’ll give authors the ins and outs of prepping for publishing and even show some walk-throughs for some of the most popular platforms.

My editing schedule is completely full. I’ve had back-to-back clients since December. I’m taking a break this summer, and next year I will not be editing as much for others so I can focus on my own writing.

Back to Book 2: I’m still kicking around some title ideas, and I have the story outlined, it’s just a matter of writing it. Every now and then I drop a few snippets on a document, but I’m looking forward to dedicated writing time again.

Usually, I make my plans for the year in November of the previous year. This year, though, I started when spring began. And again, that’s okay. I’m all for giving myself grace when I’m handling life. Since I’m meeting all of my editing deadlines, I’m not going to worry about the rest.

I also have some big travel plans this summer, so I’ll be out of touch for a couple of weeks. Epic Europe Trip, here I come!

I think that’s it for this update. I’ll get back to book reviews and opinion pieces soon.

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